
We are Stephanie and Christopher, travel enthusiasts and first-time vloggers.

Ours is a blended family of 8, with each of us bringing 4 kids to the marriage. We have 5 boys and 3 girls, ranging from married (with kids) to college to middle school.

Why We Travel
Travel is very important to us, as it bonds us as a family and even moreso as a couple. How? It’s everything from the planning (where? when? budget? transportation?) to the actual adventure itself.

How We Travel
It is important to us that we share a reasonable amount of detail about how we are able to travel seemingly more than many. We do have a yearly budget to stick to, which is not very much really. That budget is supplemented by the travel tips and hacks we will share with you!

Thank you for visiting our website, and please follow us on the socials:

Instagram: b2g.travel

YouTube: Better Together Travel Stories (sorry, we don’t have enough subscribers yet to secure our name), and

Facebook: @BetterTogetherTravelStories

Twitter: @b2gTravel